Jul 16, 2013

Intensely Anna


I don't know how to say this.

It's just that ...

Well, if Anna starts singing you songs that say that trouble is headed your way or...

if she tells you she worries about you falling into the lake of fire...

... just try not to be rattled or offended and just send any and all complaints to her daddy who began teaching her things from the book of Revelation recently.

And know that I have since issued a "cease and desist" order to him after a little incident at the fountains yesterday.  Those poor, poor little unsuspecting boys who were just trying to play with buckets and water. :S {Shaking my head}

Bless her intense little heart.

(from the comments... explanation-I am afraid I don't know exactly what she said to them. And mercifully, they didn't know well enough to go rat her out to their moms. All I know is she ran up to me (and the mom friends I was with) all wet and wide-eyed in the sun and tattles, "Mommy! Those boys don't believe in God!!" It's ok, baby, I say. Some people don't and they are allowed not to. "But they are gonna fall in the lake of fire!!" Cue my stunned and mortified face in front of my friends and my stammering to my girl to NOT go say that to the boys because it will hurt their feelings ... or terrorize them.

My word, that girl. :S Apparently it all started when they would not share their buckets with her. I suspect she stepped up to the lectern and let them know what God had to say about not sharing and let them know what they needed to do to please God. And things escalated from there ... straight to the fires of hell.

We are so that weird homeschool family already, aren't we?)


Emily said...

bwahahahah!!! I MUST hear the story of those poor poor little boys!!!!

Amy Faye Brown said...

I agree with Emily, do tell!
And, I agree with you, no more Revelation for a while. :)

Kimberly said...

I am afraid I don't know exactly what she said to them. And mercifully, they didn't know well enough to go rat her out to their moms. All I know is she ran up to me (and the mom friends I was with) all wet and wide-eyed in the sun and tattles, "Mommy! Those boys don't believe in God!!" It's ok, baby, I say. Some people don't and they are allowed not to. "But they are gonna fall in the lake of fire!!" Cue my stunned and mortified face in front of my friends and my stammering to my girl to NOT go say that to the boys because it will hurt their feelings ... or terrorize them.

My word, that girl. :S Apparently it all started when they would not share their buckets with her. I suspect she stepped up to the lectern and let them know what God had to say about not sharing and let them know what they needed to do to please God. And things escalated from there ... straight to the fires of hell.

We are so that weird homeschool family already, aren't we?

Amy Faye Brown said...

Just don't go wearing long skirts and your hair up in buns and everything should be ok. :)

Kimberly said...

Ha! THAT is something you will never have to worry about with me. That, and driving a van. :}

Emily said...

*busting out laughing* you are hilarious!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Can you tell I'm catching up on comments? I love that your blogs come straight to my inbox because most of my computer time takes place on my phone these days, but that leads to an overflowing inbox for you when I sit down to comment. Sorry about that.

This post... and the subsequent comments... = hysterical. I can see and hear Josh's laugh when you gave him the "cease and desist" order. ;-)