Jul 23, 2013

Summer Reads & Back-to-School!

I meant to do some math review over the summer, but that just never took shape in our schedule.  But, we did manage a good bit of reading, so we get points for that!  Yesterday, Noah finished his 12th chapter book of the summer.  His summer reading included all of the following that we read together:

In the process of our reading, we started noticing lots of good sound words.  So for the fun of it (yes, listing is fun; do you know me at all?!), we kept a running list of any that we came across. Noah really got into it, finding words all on his own while he read pages independently and asking me to add them. 

One day somewhere down the road, I'll slap the word "onomatopoeia" on it and Noah will be impressed with how he's already well-versed in that literary device. :}

The only other schoolwork type stuff we got done this summer was some phonics/spelling stuff in prep for fall.  Noah got through almost the whole book.

And then today, he became an official second grader! 

Our first day of homeschooling went really smoothly, really successfully, and really sweetly.  We will tweak a few things as we find our groove, our timing, and a few adjustments to the room's layout, but I am so glad to report that we give it a thumbs up after Day 1 at home. :)

1 comment:

Elizabeth Bradley said...

You are such a fun, thoughtful mom! I loved seeing your reading list... and am looking forward to having my own with our Beka one day!