Jul 6, 2013

Anna's First Story

Anna had her daddy painstakingly spell out each word her little heart came up with for a story.  I was the lucky recipient of her gift.  It went as follows.  ♥

Anna and Daddy.  

Once upon a time there was a princess.

She really loved to eat a cookie and lemonade.

But one day a prince came and he met the princess.

And they married and lived happily every after.   Love.  Mommy.

Insert proud mommy grin, amused mommy grin, touched mommy grin, in-love mommy grin. ♥


Elizabeth Bradley said...

I love the way you document life with your kiddos. It inspires me. Now I'm off to see if I can capture our day before the little miss wakes up and needs to eat again. :)

Emily said...

what fun! Love those sorts of stories!!!