Jun 3, 2009

Sweeping Sound Byte

Today I swept the kitchen. Shocking, I know. But that's not what this post is about it. This post is about the sweetness that blessed my heart whilst I swept. I overhead the following discussion from the living room. Noah and Josh were playing his Sesame Street Chutes and Ladders game.

Josh: Wait, Noah, I think I'm Cookie Monster.
Noah: No, Daddy Elmo.
Josh: I'm Elmo?
Noah: No, Noah Elmo.
Josh: Oh no, we're backwards! So I am Cookie Monster?
NOah: (giggling all over) No, I'm Cookie Monter.
Josh: You're Cookie Monster?
Noah: No, I'm Elmo!

And more giggling and confusion.
And more sweetness for my collection. :)

Small sidenote: This is no way competes for the all-star sweetness of a little wise man, but now we have a goal at least. :)

1 comment:

Ellen said...

He is too cute! I love your stories and how you blog what Noah says. It encourages me to use our blog to do the same for our boys. :) Wish we lived close so our kiddos could play... then I bet we'd hear some more fun conversations. :)