Jun 27, 2009

Kiddie Carnival: Take 2

Noah had himself some fun when we took him to see his Mimmie and Papa this weekend for Papa's birthday. It just so happened that Thursday was opening night for the same Kiddie Carnival we discovered late last summer, so we got there as soon as we could once we made it to town. Such a fun, inexpensive, light-hearted time. Noah rode everything, stayed up waaaay past his bedtime, and had cotton candy, coke, and a giant pickle along they way. He was one little boy livin' large indeed....and he still got up before the sun the next day.

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Emily said...

Ooo that looks fun! We ought to make it up there soon to try it out. Brooklyn stayed up late tonight...first time ever that we willingly allowed her to stay up till 10pm. Probably won't happen too often either.

Kimberly said...

You can give it a go when you go for Brooklyn's b'day right?