Jun 21, 2009

Redneck Just Happens

Yesterday Josh was setting up some new thing we got for Noah and there were parts and cardboard, and directions, and plastic all over the room. By the time Josh was done with the assembly, we spotted Anna eating paper...well, having already eaten the paper, from the directions. We laughed about how it's usually paper or monster truck wheels that she goes after. Josh shook his head and said, "The redneck just happens!" to which I cackled and agreed and we listed more ways that this has come true in our days lately.

Here's How the Redneck Just Happened To Us:

The token kid wearing only a diaper
Noah wears a shirt and a pull up, no pants, lately. Potty training is on full force and we don't have time for shorts or pants when we are home. And also, when we let the kids play in the pool yesterday, Anna only wore her swim diaper.

Patio furniture inside the house
That thing Josh was assembling for Noah was a kiddie picnic table and it is situated in our living room.

Walmart is your family outing
Our big trips to town usually consist of going to Target or Walmart, or if you are Josh - Lowe's or Home Depot.

Chew toys....for the kids
Anna's favorite toy to chew on is a dog collar that we bought for that very purpose. No lie. She loves that strap material, something we finally picked up on after she was drawn like a magnet to the straps on her changing table, high chair, car seat, and stroller.

Cut-off Jeans
Noah's got 'em. Just keepin' it real and saving money on play shorts by using his worn-out-kneed jeans from the fall. I ain't too proud to say so.

Frequent farm animal encounters
Entertainment on Saturday for Noah was another trip to go see the baby chicks at the Farmer's Co-op. His request.

Keeping a goat on your property
I will refer you back to the part where our baby girl likes to eat paper and gnaw on the wheels of Noah's monster trucks...and dog collars.

Monster Trucks. Enough said.
Noah has more than I can count on one hand and we still have Monster Truck Rallies on our DVR for easy access.

Plastic stuff in the yard and Tornado Sightings
Our silly inflatable pool blew over our fence and into our neighbor's backyard during all the dramatic twister sightings in the area this past week. You'd have probably seen me on the news in my pj's being interviewed about it if I wasn't already engaged in driving over landscaping, sidewalks, and curbs already mentioned this week. :)


Heather said...

Love the redneck! Too funny! Especially about the one with you being interviewed in your pj's.! Ha! Great laugh! Btw, we have a "plastic picnic" table in our kitchen for the kids. Guess that redneck stuff just happens 'round here!

Emily said...

I just busted out laughing at that last one...being interviewed in your pj's HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.. I was just picturing it! SO funny. So so funny!

Alison said...

Wait until I post our pictures of our redneck swimming pool...you aren't the only ones! Love it!