Jun 8, 2009

Bits of our Weekend

Went Yard Sale-ing. Nothing to see, though.

Took Noah and Anna to see some baby chicks. So cute!

Got a swollen lymph node and a migraine. Ouch and Ugh.

Ordered new carpet for the living room.

Josh was Mr. Fix It and/or Get It Done around the house.

Josh posted again...TWICE!

Watched Rat Race (which was the movie of our first date).

Visited yet another church. (satellite campus of the giant one)

Watched the entire Nascar race on Sunday.

Went to bed at 7:30 and 8:30 each night. I am exhausted lately!

Went out to eat at a new mexican restaurant that just opened - Los Arrieros. We have been waiting and waiting (watering at the mouth, really) for them to finally open. It was fantastic. They are just what we like and just around the corner. NOW, we are officially home here in TN. Even better, the kids were great. It was the most relaxing dining out we have had since Anna's been born.
Good mexican food + good kids = Kimmie euphoria.

Anna fashioned a paci more to her liking...a puzzle piece.

Got out Noah's V*Motion system and games that he got for Christmas but just wasn't ready for yet at the time. Not so anymore...now he can't get enough.


Emily said...

ooooooo...that V motion looks fun!
Brooklyn just discovered the 2nd episode of "Squirrels" from Waterford. So cool...and I like how Anna is in the mix with Noah and Josh. haha. She's so little!

Kimberly said...

So fun - Noah is on the 2nd episode set, too. :) Did you see Noah singing with the program on Josh's blog?

Unknown said...

How nice to finally fill at home there. Sounds like a fabulous weekend! Jacob got the vmotion for Christmas too and loves it too.

Heather said...

I saw Josh's blog...what's the Waterford deal and do you have to be a subscriber or something?? I clicked on it and it took me to the youtube page, but I didn't sit long enough to figure it out. The kids loved the youtube page though.

Kimberly said...

Josh says Beta for Central Park (ages 2-3) is closed, but he thinks they are selling Waterford (ages 4-8) to home users now: http://www.rustyandrosy.org/index.html

Kimberly said...

But to be more clear, Waterford, is one of the software programs Josh sells to schools, districts, pre-k, headstart programs etc. The Central Park was a trial run for a program for 2 years olds and the sign up for it is now over. In fact, we only have it for 6 mos. with that free trial run. Noah will be so sad when the time runs out. But Josh got Waterford for him (free, thankfully), but he said that now that they sell it to home users individually, he thinks it costs $30 a month and you can have up to 5 users on it.

Kate said...

I'm glad you found an alternative to Casa Blanca!