Mar 15, 2016

WCC 2016

This past weekend I was able to take in some wise instruction and encouragement at a caregiver conference in our area.  As Jonah's Journey caregivers, we got to go for free.  I arranged a marathon of childcare over both days so Josh and I could both attend, but Anna had a sick tummy scare while at a friend's house the first two hours of the conference, so that ruined our plans to get to do this together. :(  Real Life!  He had to hurry home to get her and stayed home with the kiddos for both days instead.

Luckily, I had a few friends attending the conference as well, so I was not short on company.  Being a new conference, it was on the small-scale side, but I was able to hear two keynote speakers - one from Focus on the Family, John Fuller,  and another, Tyrone Flowers, who grew up in the foster care system.  Those topics included Not What I Signed Up For: When It's Hard to Care and Tyrone's Story and Testimony.  In breakout sessions, I attended The Why's and Hows of Helping Children (and Adults) Manage Feelings, Making your Marriage a Priority When Parenting is Hard, Your Gut, Your Brain and Feeding Your Family, and Fostering Faith in Children From Hard Places.  

Attending this conference got me in the mood for my upcoming homeschool conference in a couple weeks.  It's a million times bigger and more demanding than this, but this weekend's gathering was a good practice run. :)

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