Mar 17, 2016

Out and About

I feel like Superwoman getting out and about with all three kiddos so much lately.  I have to make myself do it, because I do try to weasel out of the outings in my mind the night before every time, but I am always glad to have gone.  This week we hit Nashville again for a field trip tour of Schermerhorn Symphony Center and The County Music Hall of Fame.  The talk was entitled, "Is it a Fiddle or a Violin?"  And as it turns out, it is both. :)

Yesterday we hurried through schoolwork to get to an Easter egg hunt with our homeschool group at one of the members' homes that is on SEVEN lovely acres in the middle of a nearby neighborhood.

It was perfect for letting a bunch of homeschooled hooligans romp around and the weather was TO DIE for.  Lasa skipped her morning nap, she was so invigorated by all the light, and breeze, and noise, and room to play. 

This is my fave shot of her there, but the kid crying in the background was a killjoy.  Ha!!

Party Animal did zonk out right when it was time to go.  We tried to keep her awake for the 5 minute ride home, but there was no bringing her back.  She was OUT!

I heart her.  I apologize now to my Noah and Anna for letting her monopolize my picture taking at the hunt. I have no good excuse.  She is just killingly cute!  And it was her first! 


Emily said...

OH man! What a fun day that appeared to be! I just love the beauty of North Alabama and TN.

Kimberly said...

That was actually two different days, but yes! Fun! Glad you are enjoying your new locale, too!