Mar 3, 2016


I love that, at ages 7 and almost 10, they play pretend still - Legos, outdoors, toy soldiers, dolls, light sabres and dress up, wooden block kingdoms!  They even play with the plastic kitchen stuff every once in a while - yesterday being one of those whiles.  They were setting up a fast food restaurant called Healthy Stealthy.

They were working together like a well oiled machine to pick stuff for menus - one breakfast menu, one lunch, one dinner.  Just had to pop in to take pics.

They held up plastic foods to "Ms. Carr" (Lasa) to see what she would order.  Anna made a pat of butter with yellow construction paper for the toast I ordered since I don't like jelly or honey.  Love. 

Some food groups they coordinated ...

Ferociously protecting their innocence and basking in its sweetness as long as I can.  I do not believe it will be an investment I regret for them.


Amy Faye Brown said...

This kind of play is my favorite. ❤️
Johnmark, being the better, less-stressed parent, let ours get out the entire pantry and my cookware. But he'd be right in the midst of it and cleaned it all up. They loved it. It caused me great anxiety. :)

Kimberly said...

Wow!! Whole pantry and full cookware. Impressive! You get gold stars for allowing it! Ha!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Healthy Stealthy. :-) Hahaha. I love their creativity... and that you capture it here. And yes, yes, yes THIS is the kind of play to foster as long as they'll engage in it. So fun. I'm sure Lasa was amused at their antics. :-)

Kimberly said...

I am tickled you caught that. I was kind of impressed with it myself. Ha! And yes - this play! I just read an article the other day about this very thing and all the ways it benefits children's growth ... emotionally, mentally, academically, etc... The point being that with the decline of play over the years, there has been a marked increase in anxiety and depression in children...

All that to say, so thankful we have room and time and freedom and desire for play this far into their childhoods!