Mar 26, 2016

Cambridge Farms Egg Hunt

Community Easter Egg Hunts are a hard thing.  They {sound} fun but the experience is usually chaotic and disappointing.  The last time we went to our neighborhood's annual egg hunt was four years ago and our boy was in tears after not finding any eggs at all.  He froze in the rush of all the big kids taking off around him.  That year the age group was far too big; 5/6 year olds should not be competing with 8/9 year olds, and poor Noah was the size of a four year old that year anyway.  Come on, now. The year before that was a close call with the same outcome.  So we stopped going, opting to just participate in our family hunts or smaller hunts with friends.  This year, Josh was tempted to go again for some reason, probably the gorgeous weather. I warned him not to. 

I predicted that this year Anna would likely be the one in tears.  I was right.  She cried at her mostly empty basket with only 13 eggs when she saw Noah's full basket of 35. 

But she held it together well enough with some parental reminders about the fun being the important part and about being happy for her brother.  Noah, lucky thing, won in his age group for finding the most eggs.  What an overcomer from the tears of the last time we attended.  Ha!

This funny bunny was just along for the ride and fresh air.

And the chew toys.

And the photo ops.

It was a gorgeous day!  Thankful to share it with my people and to be able to {mostly} chill the heck out about the silly eggs. 

Thinking about letting the kiddos watch some of the Passion of the Christ with us tonight, fast- forwarding through super-intense violent scenes.  We shall see...


Emily said...

We watched a sweet video with a little 3 yr old singing "Gethsemane" - it had some clips from Passion of the Christ in it, and I remember how violent it was...I haven't been able to watch it again since that first time in Youth Group. But it sure does put it in pretty clear scriptural viewing.

So funny! We didn't do the egg hunts around here. Only Brooklyn seemed bummed...but ah well. She'll survive ;)

Kimberly said...

We ended up deciding to revisit the movie idea next year when Anna is 8 instead. Also, Noah had ball practice and we didn't get home til almost bedtime. HA!