Mar 22, 2015

Kimmie Back in Nashville

Not only do I still have four children alive and well, but I took them all to Nashville by myself this week!  There was a puppet show in Noah's lesson plans and Anna was home for her first day of Spring Break.  And I was still riding a victorious high from taking on Nashville Wednesday with Aiden for a GI appt at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital.  I figured I better strike again before my homebody instincts would keep us in Gallatin for the rest of the boys' stay.  Ha! 

Nashville Public Library it was ... 

for a marionette performance of a book Noah read to supplement a history unit we were studying, Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.

Noah was quick to notice some differences in the book he read and the puppet show. Both were still enjoyable however. :)

We were there with a few friends, too, and one of them snapped a quick shot of me and the boys who were sitting in the back row.  Erick was quite overwhelmed by the new sights and all the people.  He stuck close by my side the entire time, which works for me because it is one less wandering child.

Noah and Anna, who seem so very grown and responsible to me after these two last weeks with the little guys around, were sitting front and center with all their buddies. We capped off the outing with a quick trip through McDonald's on the way home.


Emily said...

Way to go to you! I knew you would be fine in Nashville. :)

Amy Faye Brown said...

Brave woman! Adventurous! Courageous!
And the list could go on. :)

Kimberly said...

AKA - an accident waiting to happen. Ha!!