Mar 6, 2015


I knew I probably shouldn't have mentioned that 5 day placement with the two sisters we were expecting in a couple weeks.  I know enough to know that things can change ... and quickly.  As they have already.  Nevermind that plan.  We are moving on to a different and sooner plan.  Welcome to the world of foster care. :) No sweat over here.  We are ready to roll with the punches!

We were called yesterday about a pair of brothers, ages 4 and 2, who need a place to stay for about a month.  We are gonna be that place!  They get here Sunday.  That gives us two days to relocate Noah to the classroom and set up his room for Erick and Aiden. :}

And by set up his room for them, we really just mean move the highly-specialized-sorted Lego hoard out with Noah.  And possibly move the elliptical from the classroom to our bedroom.  And probably start to plan how to transition the classroom to the playroom downstairs so we are better situated for extra kiddos in the coming months with less mad scramble between rooms. Ha!


Emily said...

OH. My. Precious......they are beautiful boys. beautiful, and they are so blessed to get you guys for the month. I just love y'all!!!

Kimberly said...

Emily said...

Brooklyn said "Those are some cute little boys!!" :)

Kimberly said...


Adrian said...

How did I miss this post with their pictures?!? Precious boys!!

Kimberly said...

They really are precious. They keep me up at night, but in my right mind I know that doesn't change how precious they are. :}