Mar 23, 2015

Instrksins [for] Poshin

Need some {BAD Smelling PoShin}? 

Anna has your {InstrKsins}.
(be still my heart at that correct usage of possessive noun punctuation!!)

First, some {watre} from the faucet.  I must warn you, though. Anna means b usiness after that.  It gets ugly from there ...

Add {1. Mud}, {2. PePe}, and {3. mous hare}.  The checkmarks she put next to each, although backward, worry me.

Memo to me, don't mess with that girl.  Shudder.

Poshin update and frightening backstory:  I asked Anna about it.  She says she DID MAKE IT.  A long time ago.  Like January.  When my eyes bugged out of my head and I asked how she got the pee, she assures me she used a pipette.  And that the poshin got lost, but it has a lid on it, so I don't need to worry.  She found it again in her make-up bag. !!!!  And she kept it.  And smelled it.  Which is how she knows it smells bad. !!!! And she STILL HAS IT!!!  And then she grins a guilty grin.

When I attempted to throw the entire concoction and container away, she cried and pitched a fit because that is her precious Chuck-E-Cheese prize.  So now it is sitting on my counter waiting for Josh to come home and deal with.  I cannot even...

Seriously. Laughing and crying at the same time.  Someone hold me.  I'm frightened.


Amy Faye Brown said...

This makes my kindergarten teaching heart burst with grins.

Kimberly said...

You and me both. :} I found this little gem on the banister last night after it sat there all weekend.

Amy Faye Brown said...

What a clever stink pot!
How fun (and very gross) this girl is! :)

Emily said...

EWE!!! I'm not sure I want her talking to my girls...she may actually be a bad influence !!! hahahahahaha!!