Mar 13, 2015

Five Days into First Placement

So much to say after five days with these two.  Just too little time.  Like, literally not enough hours in the day.  Four kids is a LOT of work.  I keep saying that to everyone I see.  It's all there is to say.  It's all just a LOT.  Say hello to our Erick and Aiden, 4 and 2, who are as sweet as I could have prayed for for our first foray into foster care. 

I am missing my down time, big time, but it's a small price to pay in comparison to having precious little people safe and provided for ... and their mother ministered to and receiving the care she needs in the process.

I am beat.  And busy.  Overwhelmed.  But held together in the Spirit, minute by minute.  (not counting a little cry fest I succumbed to late Wednesday night - ha!)  Josh has been AMAZING coming home early every day to be so hands on with the boys. I cannot even begin to tell you how many of our immediate needs have been MORE than covered by friends continually asking what they can do or provide for us.  I have never experienced this before.  That, too, has been overwhelming. Diapers, toys, food, clothes, you name it and it has been delivered with hugs and smiles and support.  Amazing.  Humbling.  Awesome.  So beautiful.

Don't even get me STARTED on how invaluable and helpful and amazing my Noah has been this week.  I was moved to tears yesterday with two acquaintances when I tried to tell them how great that boy of mine has been.  Me.  Standing there with eyes welling up.  Getting hugged by people I hardly know.  It has come to that.  Too much goodness.  And, also, I am that tired.  Too much hilarity! Here is the first pic we took of the boys shortly after leaving their home Monday morning.  I have to chalk a lot of the ease with the boys up to Noah's companionship and gentleness and playfulness with them.

As for Anna, she has mostly been MIA between school and gymnastics this week.  The weekend will reveal more of how she is with new little foster siblings around.  I did hear tell of a chart she made this week however that kinda cracks me up.

I had a birthday this week too that we would have not had time for at all except that my dear friend Cindy would not have it and, along with our dinner, she delivered a delicious homemade cake.

That girl even brought me a surprise birthday breakfast from Chick-Fil-A that morning.  She's also the blessing that set up the meal train of friends that has fed us all week and will continue to for another week.  See what I mean?!? So blessed.  Such a strong support system here in TN.  So humbled.  So grateful.

So can't believe we are finally in this foster care season of life that we have been looking forward to for SO LONG! You should hear the squeals and sound effects and play and roughhousing I have in the background right now.  So much life!  Off to go oversee and feed them.  Again.  :}  Looking forward to sharing more moments I have been saving to share once I have more moments to organize my thoughts.  Til then, keep praying for peace and survival. Ha!


Emily said...

I was almost in tears reading this one! I am so thankful to all those ladies in your life up there! Seriously, what a huge deal this is for you and for those boys and the love you are receiving is just straight from God.

You're doing great!

Kimberly said...

I can feel the love and severe support all the way from GA, too! Your speaking up on the post the other day touched my heart. Felt like you were here meeting all my people! I am pretty sure you and Cindy ought to be FB friends by now, you hear of each other enough through me. :}

Amy Faye Brown said...

Big grins (and a little tearing up) reading this.
I'm a little jealous I don't live closer to contribute to this time in your life. So, I'll just continue my prayers from afar.

Kimberly said...

All the things have been SO much help, but all the prayer has kept us strong in spirit and heart. Keep that coming for sure!! ♥

Elizabeth Bradley said...

I can't help but love, love, love this... except for the part about me being MIA and not wishing you happy birthday on your special day. :-( I'm glad you were surrounded by friends who made it special.

My heart is smiling at all of the fun and answers to prayers going on in your home. And I can only imagine how much WORK it is for you. So, so thankful for you that you have such amazing friends who are bringing you meals. When that ends, my secret to cooking and staying sane while working (and even now while parenting a toddler who's busy and doesn't like to sleep) was to cook a lot of meat at once. It's amazing how much faster the dinner prep goes when you pull out cooked ground beef or shredded chicken from the freezer. Endless possibilities... and quick!

Wishing I was part of your hands-on support team, but know that I'm thinking of you and praying for you from far away!!!

Kimberly said...

Giggling at how you were not MIA about my birthday as much as I was - ha!

Feeling the love from the Czech! ♥