May 24, 2014

Spring's Untold Story

Just a little dose of reality for you straight from the heart of the home of the Family Brown - the middle of the kitchen, on top of the microwave.  Our lotions and potions stash that will get our sensitive skinned kiddos through the rest of spring and summer.  Hilarious!  Had to get out the topical cooling Benedryl gel last night, too, so just draw that in there with your mind's eye. 

The only other thing we have to show from around here that is this same degree of realistic, chaotic, and lived-in is our Tupperware cabinet.  And our beds which NEVER get made. 

True stories from the Family Brown.


Amy Faye Brown said...

Who has time to make beds and organize Tupperware cabinets or dust baseboards or touch up wall and trim paint or clean gutters or de-jungle the yard?
Really, who?
Just warning ya.;)

Kimberly said...

Warning, nothing! More like inviting me somewhere that will feel like ... home! Can't beat home.

Emily said...

AMEN to Amy Brown!!!

Kimberly said...


Elizabeth Bradley said...

Really?!? You never make your beds?!? It's always one of the first things I do because it makes my mind feel so much "less cluttered" when I look at it. Even if the room around it is in shambles for some reason I just feel better seeing the bed made. I'm weird like that.

And seeing that picture of all your "necessities" makes me curious as to whether or not you've ever looked into using essential oils to help with allergies, skin issues, etc. I haven't bought into the idea of essential oils yet like my sisters have, but I am absolutely fascinated with them and with natural skin care products. Two of my favorites are a "lotion bar" made from combining beeswax, coconut oil, and shea butter and my latest "moisturizer" creation of coconut oil, olive oil, and cocoa butter. It smells amazing and I'm really pleased with how well it works.

Kimberly said...

Aren't our quirks so interesting? Nope, not the bed for me, but the kitchen counter, yes! If the counter is cluttered, my brain feels cluttered and I get pretty agitated. :}

And it's so funny you ask about essential oils because that is one thing I have been circling but have yet to purchase even one. I stopped and talked to a vendor at the homeschool curriculum. I pickle cucmbers, I crochet beanies, I homeschool for crying out loud. You know the essential oils are coming my way. Ha! I have at ton of friends who swear by them...