May 14, 2014

Anna, the Graduate




to be





Bless her heart, she was tired as can be by the end of the ceremony.  It was a LONG day full of much activity. We all felt like the walking dead at this point!

Some shots of our girl in the slideshow that followed.

She perked up afterwards when she stole a moment with her teachers, Mrs. Leah and Mrs. Kelly, 

 and gathered her cumulative end-of-the-year project and papers to bring home.  As I remarked on how special her ABC book was, she agreed, "I know!  It seems like so long ago I was learning the letter A!"

Precious baby of mine!

Three cheers for actually completing a full year in a pre-k program for a change.  Ha!

I may not let her leave for kindergarten in the fall.  How does one relinquish such sweetness for so many hours of the week every week?



Elizabeth Bradley said...

Stopped by to say hello and to let you know that I'm trying to get back into the habit of blogging (posted pics recently of our one-year-old girl), but I couldn't leave without saying that the close-ups of your graduate are a.d.o.r.a.b.l.e. Oh my goodness, they're so sweet. And that haircut just suits her so well! Happy graduation! Happy end of school! Happy Summer Break!!!

Kimberly said...

I was WONDERING when I would hear some updates on y'all! So glad for some now!