May 8, 2014

Awesome Attitude

Noah finished up his year at Anchored Enrichment this morning
with silliness,

with interest,

with classmates,

with song,

and with a really funny sprint to the stage when his name was called during the ceremony
(that blurry backend on the right is Noah, moving too fast for my camera - ha!)

whereby his sweet teacher, Mrs. Steen,

 gave our boy the Awesome Attitude Award. :D


It warmed a momma's heart to watch her boy take in the kind words and feedback.

Afterwards, since he was done early with his day, I took him shoe shopping (successfully!!) and out to a last-day lunch at McD's per his request.  Three more days left of school and counting down BIG TIME.


Emily said...

I know you are so proud :)

Kimberly said...

I can't help it. He blesses my heart. Children are such a gift!