May 12, 2014

A Berry Good Morning

Noah's last two days of school will be this Tuesday and Thursday, which meant we could take our Monday morning nice and slow and do whatever we felt like doing instead of getting down to our usual business.  And THAT meant we headed straight for our favorite strawberry patch, Cooper Creek, that just opened over the weekend FINALLY!

We made quick work of the picking.  We picked until we could find no more in our assigned row.  It's possible there were no more because Noah ate them all along the way. 

The plants were so BIG and healthy, I almost lost my kiddos in them whenever I looked away.

We took our sweet loot off to the shade when we were done and admired their goodness

while we waited for our friends to meet us for a sweet picnic. 

Another of Noah's homeschool buds just happened to be there at the same time, so Noah was tickled to have another friend to run around with.  Never can have too many, you know.

I am in love with how vibrantly green everything is this spring! Well, except for the things that are so vibrantly red.

Josh is gonna be in love with how delicious my next batch of freezer jam will be.  He's been craving that since the last jam supply ran out. 

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