Oct 11, 2013

When Anna's Inspired

When Anna is feeling inspired, the joy just overflows into her mood, her speech, her energy, and .... her art. :)  She can't help herself when all the world is right.  She just cranked out these two beauties after we got home from a beautiful day at the park with friends. I don't know who to be more impressed with:  Me for being able to read her messages on them, or her because she is getting better at spelling all on her own!

This one one reads, "iPRAStheLORDNOMADRWUT" 
(I praise the Lord no matter what). 
She tells me it is a heart with a bible on it with a cross on that.

(I love all that you made - me, God, the world.)

Baby love knows how to praise the Lord, that's for sure. ♥


Elizabeth Bradley said...

This just makes my heart smile. The drawings, the words, the handwriting, the little girl who created them. Love, love, love.

Kimberly said...