Oct 12, 2013

One Tooth Down ... Finally!

We were beginning to lose faith it would ever happen.  That poor tooth just didn't seem to want to get loose.  But Noah took me at my word this week and wiggled and wiggled and wiggled that tooth to MAKE it get looser.  I caught him turning it SIDEWAYS earlier today and knew that meant that sucker was ready to come out today or tomorrow. That must have really motivated the boy, because within the hour it was out!

Only 7.5 years in the making!

The stinker managed to do it in the car with Josh while out running errands, so I missed the whole moment, but they called me on the phone as soon as they wiped up all the blood. "Guess who's coming to our house tonight?!!" he proudly declared.  "The tooth fairy!!"

Such a fun milestone!  Way to go, Noah!

He could hardly get to sleep tonight with being so excited and jittery about his expected visitor.  He ended up coming downstairs all anxious and weird and groggy but confusedly alert after falling asleep for a little bit.  Then, after a couple hours when Josh went in to do the Tooth Fairy deed, Noah, who usually sleeps harder than a rock!, jolted right up in bed after Josh pulled his hand away from the pillow!  He made up some excuse on the spot about checking on Noah since he was so rattled earlier.  Noah bought it, but he also threw his pillow up to see if the tooth fairy had come and was totally thrilled to see that she had. Ha!  

There was, in the end, a  BIG payout for the long anticipated milestone.  And also, we had no other cash in the house. :}  

Noah, who usually sleeps with his door closed, left it open so the tooth fairy could get in.  He also usually sleeps on his stuffed bear, Calvin, but last night, for the first time EVER, used a real pillow.  Tooth fairy protocol, I guess.  Adorable!  In the end, I am just so glad he finally lost a tooth before he got too old to enjoy the fun magic of the tooth fairy. ♥ 

PS - He remarked in the morning, "She knew my name!"  and then it occurred to me how that is a big deal.  Don't we have to tell Santa his name every year?  Just part of TF's magic, I guess.

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