Oct 8, 2013

Signs of Life

Noah ran his favorite shoes right into the ground over this past weekend's camping trip.

It just isn't pretty. 
And yet, this momma's heart finds these shoe shots so sweet.  
Signs of life, we'll call them. :}

 His jeans tend to look this ragged and hole-y, too, nowadays.  

Boys are hard on a wardrobe ... and the consignment stash, too, now that I think about it.  I don't have much left to resell of his anymore once each season ends. If it's not ripped out knees from rolling around on the ground, or stains in the socks from playing football, or holes in his sleeves from chewing on them, then it's grease stains in all the shirts.  {Sigh}

Signs of life, that's all ... lots and lots of life!
Thank you, Lord, for the blessing of this boy - mess and wear and tear and all.


Amy Faye Brown said...

Wish I could tell you that it gets better, but it doesn't. But, don't you love the evidence in their shoes and clothes that they play and work hard and embrace this life they've been given?

Kimberly said...

I do! Glad I could catch myself this week and last and stop the internal grumbling about the stupid stains and such and gain a little better perspective about it all.