Oct 13, 2013

Totally Random!

I found these two reciprocal signs interesting at the toddler play area at the zoo awhile back; specifically, the first one.

Gettin' silly at Target.

Anna Banana in the flesh/peel.  :}

Chewie, only moments after we wrangled his latest kill from him this past week ... a squirrel half that he BROUGHT INTO THE HOUSE. Don't ask.

We bought and returned a Softub hot tub for $150 on GTP this weekend (it ended up not working) and, while we were at it, we went ahead and sold this beast of a slide since the kids never use it anyway.

Anna and her daddy are devising some plans for an extended treehouse in its place.  The people who bought the slide last night gave us a good idea ... a cargo net bridge that reaches over to the tree! We are in LOVE with that idea.  Stay tuned!


Amy Faye Brown said...

Loved that you let them be silly at target.
Poor Chewie. Can't help but feel for him even though what he did was beyond gross.
Ah, man, I was rooting for ya on the hot tub.
Enjoy watching and hearing about your backyard transformations.

Kimberly said...


In a weird turn of events, the people refunded our money but didn't wanna bother getting the hot tub back. Josh has since made it a project to figure out what is wrong with it and thinks he might can rig it up? We shall see...

Amy Faye Brown said...

Fingers crossed!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

We've been here, there, and everywhere since returning to FL and now I'm catching up on emails and blog posts. I loved this random post. It inspires me to blog... once we get our computer set up here. And a rope bridge to a treehouse sounds like such a fun idea. Looking forward to seeing pictures of your fun!

Kimberly said...

I dig posts with all the little odds and ends details, too. :} I find so many different ways to get to know and relate to people via all their random bits and pieces ... I think that is why FB is kinda fun. Just chit chat about the small/daily/real life stuff .... and big stuff, too, but mostly the small.