Oct 25, 2013

Shelf Shout-Out

Wanna get excited about doing laundry again?  Or for the first time?  Whichever! Wrangle your hubby into finishing up a long-anticipated laundry room(closet) improvement!  
That little half shelf above the dryer is our new addition.

It's nothing flashy, but I have been dying for an extra shelf in this very small laundry closet for awhile.  Its arrival marks the end of all that gear on it from sitting atop my dryer day in and day out, thereby monopolizing the work surface I needed for folding and temporary hiding of things. :)  Now when I open the laundry closet, I see order and space and actual room to work!  It makes me grin so.  I should have had that bad boy added 5 years ago when we moved in!!

Joshua strikes again!  Thanks, babe!  Thanks also go to his trusty helpers, Noah and Anna, who each earned $1 by scrubbing the wires down so it would be clean enough to use.  It had actually been sitting in the garage and/or outside for a number of months while I whined and complained and begged for its installation. :)  I don't know who's really more excited to have it done.  Me, because it's so helpful, or Josh, to finally get me off his back!

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