Apr 21, 2013

Spring's First T-Ball Game

While we aren't a fan of not getting the coach Noah wanted this year, we are a fan of how much stronger Noah is this t-ball season.  He has been standing out as a leader and a go-to player at practices and, as a result, is beyond tickled to be trusted to play the position of pitcher and first baseman a bunch!  I am so proud of his growth since last spring and so delighted to watch him be in the spotlight for once.  That doesn't come often when you are the littlest guy your age, bless his heart.  So I am thankful his coaches have taken notice of him.

So proud to be manning the pitching mound.  In t-ball, they don't actually pitch, but this position is the one that does about 3/4 of all the fielding.  Noah has really risen to the occasion of being quick on his feet and capable with his mitt and knowing which base to hustle over to tag a runner out.  

Booking it to first base after his first turn at bat. Those little legs may be short, but they sure are speedy!

The laundry lady in me was cringing at all the wet clay he ended up wearing home on his uniform. :}

Seriously, how does one stand all the cuteness?!!

I so wish this shot wasn't blurry.  He has his most concentrated face on - see that scrunched up mouth? Precious! Just. Can't. Stand. It.

Someone else who couldn't stand it either.  Not being the center of attention is the pits apparently.

Unlike last year, Noah is at the start of the batting line up so he got to hit three times!  He is such a strong and reliable hitter.

My friend Jen's advice with t-ball was spot on - Let your kids stay in the lower league as long as their age allows so they can be the star player for a year or two instead of rushing them into the upper leagues where they will just have to trail behind the bigger kids.  This has proven so true in Noah's case.  He is still the size of the rest of the 4-6 age range kiddos, but he's on the older end in terms of age and experience.  He is really coming into his own this year and his confidence is soaring as a result.  The team may not have won the game yesterday, but Noah feels like a million bucks with the roles he's getting to fill.  


Elizabeth Bradley said...

Your little man is a cutie. It makes me smile to see him enjoying himself and like you said being confident in doing so. It also makes me smile to see that pouty little girl's picture. She is a mess.

Kimberly said...

I know! How can she be so sour and so precious at the same time? Must be love. :}

Emily said...

My word, he looks like a little man with all those baseball stances!!! How fun!!