Apr 13, 2013

Grumpy Kimmie

Public enemy number 1 right now:  Door-to-door solicitors.   They are bad enough intermittently all year long, but we have been getting them daily this week in particular.   They seem to come out of the woodwork in the spring?

Anyway, I have HAD IT with all the people bugging me in my own home to spend money on stuff I don't want.  I have HAD IT with the interruptions and the guilt trip. I have HAD IT with hiding in my kitchen hoping the solicitors will just go away. I have HAD IT with my dog barking like a rabid animal while the strangers are up in our yard, porch, face.

So I finally just plastered this notice RIGHT ONTO MY HOUSE this afternoon. 

I dare one of them to bug me again.  It ain't gonna be pretty. Grrrrrr...


Emily said...

ooooo, I need to do that....where'd you get the letter? I wonder if I could stick 'em on brick?

Kimberly said...

I cut them on my Silhouette. BUT, they were peeling by nighttime. Boo! I just ordered the premium vinyl, though and am gonna try it again with the good stuff. Plus, it probably would have helped if I'd cleaned the spot first. :} In my angry rant, I skipped that step.

And, no, they wouldn't adhere to brick, but I could fashion you a sign or something? Maybe tell me how big you would like it and I will see what I can do.

Emily said...

OH that would be a great idea! Silhouette (totally just copied the spelling from you)...stick on it wood or something adn I could hang it next to my door bell! Maybe like 2 in x 8 in? that way it's not obnoxious from the road. But obvious when they *better not* ring my doorbell.