Apr 29, 2013

Noah's B'day Survey: Age 7

Kicking off Noah's birthday week with his annual survey of faves:

Noah, what is your favorite ...
  • Color? Brown (cuz my hair is brown)
  • Breakfast? Whipped Cream Pancakes and Bacon
  • Lunch? Nutella sandwiches
  • Dinner? The one with the black stuff on it (aka - poppyseed chicken casserole)
  • Fruit? Strawberries and Blueberries
  • Candy?  Chocolate         
  • Snack? Gummies
  • Drink? Slushies
  • Holiday? Christmas
  • TV Show? The Electric Company and AFV
  • Game? Bumpershot, Hide and Seek
  • Toy? Oooh, that's a hard one.  Uhhhh,  Legos.
  • Place to play? Outside, in The Bubble
  • Friend? Owen
  • Thing to do outside? Swordfight
  • Bible Story? Noah and the Ark
  • Song? How Did God Make Adam and Eve?
  • Movie? Prince Caspian
  • Video Game? Super Mario Baseball
  • Part of the Day? After school
  • Store? Lego Store
  • Restaurant? Mexican
  • Thing to sleep with? Bunny and Calvin
  • Thing to wear? My Star Wars Shirt
  • Book? Tag Readers - Dinosaur and Star Wars ones
  • Future Occupation? Light Sabre Guy
  • Thing You've Learned in 1st Grade? Spelling, Money, Skip Counting 
  • Birthday Wish List? Hot Wheels set


Amy Faye Brown said...

What Brown boy doesn't like AFV and chocolate?
Can't, simply cannot, believe he will be 7 in just a matter of days!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Makes me smile that his favorite color is brown because of his hair and not his last name. :-)

Also makes me smile that his favorite part of the day is so typical 7-year-old... after school of course!

And I most definitely agree with Amy... how can he be nearly 7?!?!

Emily said...

what a fun a list....and neat since he really has an opinion about things instead of him saying what comes to his mind first...like how Natalie answered my questions last year :)

Kimberly said...
