Apr 20, 2013


As if I haven't already been a David Nassar fan since college, I discovered these wise words he tweeted recently about parenting. Made my day to read that someone else out there gets it.  It really hit the nail on the head of what we believe and how we make so many of our choices that pertain to how we train and correct Noah and Anna.  Just had to save this quote here for future reference.
"Parents, remember that you can't spell discipline without disciple. Our main role is to disciple our children, not just discipline them."
We are wrapping up a 12 week parenting study in our Young Families Sunday School class this month called "Shepherding a Child's Heart" and this quote is the perfect underscore for the entire study.  The discipline, training, and correction of our kids has a goal - and that goal is not just well-behaved kids.  The goal is for our kids to seek after and know Christ; wise choices and good behavior are just by-products of that goal.


Elizabeth Bradley said...

Love this. So glad you shared.

Kimberly said...

Thaaaaaaanks, girl!