Apr 24, 2013

Long Live the Nebulizer

I didn't expect to have to go down this road again, but I guess I should have seen it coming.  Josh does have a bit of a dramatic childhood history with asthma and allergies.  And now, after going back to the pediatrician for the umpteenth time with croup, the doctor suggested that 1) we should stop pumping her full of steroids and 2) that this issue might be better treated with a regular dosing of Pulmicort.  And I know what that means from Noah's earliest days/years of breathing problems .... asthma.  :S 

The good news is that it all makes me MUCH less antsy than it did the first time we began the breathing treatment regimen with Noah at 9 months old.  I chuckle to remember that it took TWO adults to hold him down and administer it then.  :}  Twas this very same dragon mask, too, actually.  Ah, memories.  Anyway, just stopping in to say - Long live the nebulizer!  May it cure my baby girl of her awful, awful barking, coughing, and gasping.


Emily said...

Well that just stinks...but at least you DO know it's not the end of the world...and you know it works too. and you wont' have to worry so much over her horrible coughing spells! This is in fact quite the blessing. :)

Kimberly said...

Seriously! I came out of the appt VERY encouraged that we might actually get ahead of this thing instead of always coming back with the same old thing. :) Three cheers for preventative treatment!