Mar 18, 2013

Music and Technology

Tuesday was Technology Night at Noah's school and the first graders were also featured in a singing performance.  It was fun to see Noah doing what he loves - singing his little heart out!  Well, in this first shot, he's technically making faces and hanging with his buddy, Owen. But, still - fun.

Soon, they got into position.  His short, short stature proved beneficial for once - he scored a spot on the front row where I could take a million pics real easy. :}

Flashing me a smile!  

Getting down to singing business.  

All the little motions were so adorable.  All the first-grade babies were singing and motioning so whole-heartedly. 

I particularly love this shot. :) 
Concentrating so hard on his sound.  Adorable!

Afterward, in the classrooms, the kiddos hosted the parents in a tour of all the technology they use on a day to day basis in class.  Computers, iPads, iPods, and here, the smartboard.  Look closely; there's a Noah-boy in the middle of this crew.  He's the one holding the wand. :)

This is also the night I blogged about already when we met his perfectly-matched long-term sub who's coming next month when Mrs. Arnold leaves to have her baby.


Emily said...

So THAT is what a smartboard is...Brooklyn has said that's what they use, but I had no idea what in the world she was talking about.

Did you know in GA they took out handwriting and cursive from the curriculum?! Wow. And Brooklyn could really use the help....I had been making her rewrite things she had done sloppy....but I suppose it's not that big a deal....apparently....but I can't get my mind around it!

Kimberly said...

Cursive got nixed a while ago! But I sure do wish they covered some basic grip and letter shaping instruction in kindergarten. It's just not a big ticket learning goal since it's not really on standardized tests. : /