Dec 14, 2011

Mail Lady

Anna is really into the mail lately. Namely, "writing" notes to different people. She's been busy writing to several friends, to Daddy, to Noah, to Santa, and yesterday, to Jesus. She is very passionate about it - she is totally engaged while she does her work, she is totally sincere as she dictates what I should write, she totally babysits her finished product until we get it in the mail or deliver it locally, and she totally signs her own name all by herself.  She was also totally furious with me for not letting her use a real stamp for Jesus' letter.

When she got home from school yesterday she burst into tears when she couldn't find her precious letter to Jesus. I saved the day, of course, and now it sits nestled under the tree for safekeeping.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Bradley said...

That girl and her antics. Could she be any more precious? :)