Dec 20, 2011

Stiff Competition

It's a widely known fact that Noah is all about the Legos.  This is his latest creation from over the weekend.  It comes complete with a movable drawbridge, flags, and soldiers galore.

But Anna is emerging as quite the little Lego wielder herself.  Truth be told, she attends to her creations for longers stints of time than Noah does.  This is her most impressive creation to date ... with a couple assists from Daddy.

Yes, it's been a productive weekend around our house.  I even finished another project of my own, another scarf for another niece.


Emily said...

I am totally amazed with those lego creations....from both kids....whoa!

Amy Faye Brown said...

Thoroughly impressed with all three creations! You're really making me want to learn to knit.