Dec 8, 2011

Desperate Times

This Santa bit gets trickier as the kids gets older.  This year, I am missing a beat repeatedly when it comes to actually hiding the things that will be from Santa.  I end up leaving stuff on the counter or on my dresser and one or the other of my littles always seems to happen upon it and quizzically and innocently ask, "What's dis, Mommy?"  Aaaaaaaah!  And it happened again today, except I went so far as to set it down IN ANNA'S ROOM and then forgot to grab it before I walked out.  Anna found it and looked through the sweetie pie little book that was supposed to be a stocking stuffer.  Arg.

Great.  Now, how to rectify this situation .... Hmmmm.  Think, Kimmie, think!  And then it hit me ... and don't you judge me.  It had to be done.

I swiped it when she wasn't looking.  And IF she even notices it's missing, I'll let her believe she lost it and will swoop in with a hopeful solution - to ask Santa to bring her ANOTHER one! 

And then, THEN, all will be well with the Santa shopping list again.

(ps - the sweetie pie book is one I totally recommend if you have a little girl.  I'd Be Your Princess by Kathryn O'Brien)


Emily said...

I'm so glad you're letting them believe in Santa...I have several friends from SS who are all Santa Bahumbugs....I say at 3 adn 5 yrs old they can only understand so much about the story of Christ....and while we can tell them all that we think they'll understand about Christmas and Jesus's birth and what not....but why take their innocent fun belief away? The real world will kick them in the butt before we blink an eye.....
sorry, I just get so tired of all those anti Christmas spirits out there. Yes it's totally exploited by capitalism, but we dont' have to go overboard with greed, and if you do, then maybe there IS a problem with how you view Christmastime..but for me, I'm so sick of hearing about how we should squash Santa and leave him out.
daggum bahumbugs.

Emily said...

whoa....I totally got on a soap box. YOu can delete if you think it will cause a negative stir. I felt inclined (and relieved by your post) to write my stirring thoughts.

Kimberly said...

Stir Away!