Jun 28, 2011

Going On About My Boy

I am not joking, y'all.  This is exactly what went down in my living room just now.
Me:  Noah, when we get back from the fountains today, we are going to take naps and then go get your allergy shots.
Noah: Yaaaaaaay!
Seriously, who gets this lucky? Who gets a little boy this sweet spirited?  Me! That's who! Lucky me!


Then later on today, a friend had some kind things to say about Noah and Anna being sweet at a playdate.  I said I praise the Lord for the blessing of these well-behaved babies of mine and thanked her for the compliment.  She went on to say this,   
"They really are. They are both so well behaved and so caring to all the other kids. Noah was helping Adrie a few times and when Logan had her cup he told her that Anna likes to share her toys and helped her get another one. I hope mine end up being that nice!"
While my flesh would love to take credit for my kiddos' good days, my spirit stops me and says, "Praise the Lord!"  Thank you, Lord.  Thank you for how true your ways are.  Thank you for wise counselors who teach me how to teach my babies to be Christ-like. I love watching them grow in the knowledge of you.

Ha! While I type this, Noah is in the playroom lightly singing a song to himself that goes like this, "I can .... do all things through ... Christ Jesus who ... strengthens me."  

I could just eat him whole.  The verse, "Taste and see that the Lord is good," comes to mind right now.  That must be why this boy is so delicious to me. Oh, thank you, Lord, for the babies in my life and for your faithful hand upon them. I love them, I love them, I love them.


There's more.  Noah is really laying it on thick today.  He's been telling me for the past hour how delicious dinner smells.  (Anna, btw, disagrees, and tells me it smells "dinky(stinky).")  When I was preparing his plate, he goes, "Oooh, noodles!  Wow, sour cream!  Yessss, cheese! Mom, dis gonna be the best dinner I never made!"


Elizabeth Bradley said...

This made me smile. Little kids and their enthusiasm for life can be contagious, huh? We could all learn a thing or two from your sweet boy!

Unknown said...

Be proud, mama! God has His hand in all of that glory!