Dec 19, 2009

Home Study Update

We had a great time with Alisa, our case worker, on Thursday. That in itself came as a relief. I was worried she would be irritable/unhelpful with us for having hounded her so much to get us on her schedule before the year's end. Turns out that wasn't the case. We think she is just one of those laid-back personalities (and therefore work styles) that you just have to keep on top of. Alisa was one of the several trainers we had during our classes, so we were familiar with her already. We all three had to keep making ourselves stay on topic because it was so easy to go off in different directions. Course, most of you already know how chatty I can be. And when you get me talking about adoption, well, there's just no stopping me.

Somewhere along the way during her visit, we enlisted ourselves to be on their next adoptive parent panel that they offer as an informative session during the training of prospective adoptive parents. So that's something we'll look forward to doing. It was our favorite of all the training sessions we did over the past few months. And I love, love, love to talk about our experience with Noah's adoption. On top of that, I love what a positive, real-life example we can speak from about maintaining a relationship with a child's birth family.

We were able to get a lot of our questions answered during the course of our 2 1/2 hour visit with Alisa, so that also came as a relief. Joshua and I both felt really good after she left. We found out the following:

1. We only need one more visit to complete our home study update. Alisa will come back out to the house Friday, January 8, so she can catch us up on a training class we missed, and more importantly, so she can meet and visit with Noah and Anna. I look forward to that.

2. The home study approval timeline is nowhere near what our experience and wait was when we went through DFCS in Georgia 4 years ago. It is simpler and quicker, emphasis on the quicker. She said we can expect our home study to be approved by the end of January.

3. The steps that come after that are for us (or our agency) to identify a child we are interested in knowing more about and have Alisa send that organization/state department our home study. She said it's a little like sending out resumes.

4. When we hear back from those inquiries, they will want more information about us as well. She said we can likely expect them to want to meet us for themselves. And that we could be asked to prepare a scrapbook-style presentation of our family and what we are about.

5. After their meeting us and our all agreeing to go ahead, a meeting with the child is set up. And if all signs continue to point to yes (including the child's reciprocal interest), visits are repeated, increased in length of stay, and the visit location gradually shifts from the foster home to our home.

6. Last up, would be placement in our home. Six months from there, the adoption can be finalized.

I just think it's neat to know this time next year we could already have been a family of 5 for awhile. Could possibly not be yet, but still, quite possibly could. Will keep you all posted.

Praying for you, Thinking of you, Waiting for you, Planning for you, little-girl-Brown-to-be.


Emily said...

Still sounds to me like it will be a lot of waiting...having to wait for someone to respond to your you, THEN plan a visit. I'll pray for that little girl that she'll be with you guys this time next year, but there are still a lot of other people and ropes it seems to wrestle through. But the way you guys are staying on top of it...that's awesome...and will obviously be beneficial to a quicker adoption. I can't stinking wait to meet this little girl. Did Alissa mention if you'd ever be able to let family (me) go up there to join a visit? Or is it too early to be doing that kind of thing with an older child?

Kimberly said...

Really, though, it's not much longer than a normal pregnancy is. I find the waiting to be easier when I know what I am waiting on, you know. The wondering is worse than waiting.

No, I don't imagine you would meet her before she was here in our home. I don't now though. We'll see what happens when we get to that point of visitations and such.

You are right...that is still a number of steps away. I imagine the more lengthy portion of what is to come is actually finding her to begin with.

Laura Koslowsky said...

Oh how exciting! I'm glad you had a great homestudy visit and that after Feb. it could be any time that you find a tentative match with a child. I love how you ended this post. We are praying for and thinking of your little girl too.

Kate LaCasse said...

Sounds like a great visit! I look forward to hearing more updates.

Alison said...

Exciting news!!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Okay... so life has been a bit crazy of late, but I've saved this in my inbox to make sure I didn't forget to comment! I loved, loved, loved reading this update!!! So exciting that your home study will be approved by the end of January! Wow! So exciting to know that you're praying and waiting for a little girl! As I read through your steps, it occurred to me that they're the same "steps" that the adoption agency listed out for us... with just a couple of alterations because we're out of the country. It's a different ball game when it's not a baby, huh? Adopting a baby involves no input on the baby's part at all... adopting an older child means they choose you as much as you choose them. This Christmas I've found myself wandering through book stores hoping and wishing and praying for an older child that I could be buying books for for Christmas! And like you... we wonder if "maybe next year"??? :) Hope you guys have a Merry Christmas!

Kimberly said...

Oh My Gosh, Elizabeth! I forgot to say something about this because we were out of town when I got your comment awhile back, but....I can't wait to hear the details of y'all's adoption story! How far are you into the process? How did you come to the decision? Is that part of your blog revamp you mentioned awhile back? So interested, so curious, so one of your biggest fans with it already!