Dec 4, 2009

Noah @ 3 1/2 yrs.

Noah, last night we sent you to your time-out spot until you could pull it together and stop being ornery and whiny. You obediently went to the chair and sat and sat and sat ... so quietly it was a little unnerving. When your daddy called to you asking, "Are you done whining yet?", your sweet little voice called back, "Almost!" and you sat and sat and sat some more all on your own. Your daddy and I did not expect that answer and it sure melted our hearts. You do that often - melt our hearts. Little boy, we love you, and we love getting to be your parents. We can't believe you are closer to 4 years old than to 3 years old. We want to trap you here and now and keep you sweet and adorable and innocent forever.

These days...

You like to crash cars with your daddy.
You love to take baths and showers with him, too.
You wore out the tires on your "big car" (power wheels).
You like to crash balls in mid-air with me.
You can catch balls and make baskets better than ever now.
You love to cast-and-reel your fishing pole in the cul-de-sac.
You'd play Candyland all day if we would, too.
You share my hummus and pretzels with me while Anna naps.
You are so, so ticklish when we put lotions or medicine on you.
You have such a repentant little heart. I love that about you.
You say words like "Cool!" and "Awesome!" now.
You have recurring dreams about a big giant alligator.
You will inhale your dinner if dessert depends on it.
You like popsicles and push pops for dessert.
You nap about an hour each day, sometimes 2 hours.
You are still really into trains.
You actually let us read books to you now from start to finish.
I still worry that you will need speech therapy.
You still think it counts as hiding when you just cover your eyes.
You love to watch Toy Story, Peter Pan, Max and Ruby episodes.
We always have to get onto you to stop knocking Anna over.
You always, always, always want to touch, hug, or pat Anna.
You are not much for coloring. You scribble a little and quit.
I want to put you in gymnastics. Daddy wants you in karate.
You've started pressing buttons on many things you shouldn't.
You are ga-ga for your Imagination Movers CD.
You love to do Waterford on the computer in your room.
You just started doing (and loving) the calendar Daddy got you.
You like to "hide, hide" when Daddy or I come in a room.
You are obsessive about doing things all by yourself.
You like to be outside, especially when the big kids are there.
You pretend you are sleeping when Daddy carries you to bed.
When we watch football, you say to the players, "Catch it, catch it!"
We're thinking about what preschool to choose for you for next year, if any.

Things you say often...

Open my window down pwease.
No thank-you. (one of my personal faves)
Done now yet?
I miss you/I wuv you. (said to inanimate things as well)
Make Mommy happy? And Santa happy? And Jesus happy?
Dude! (with all the strain and emphasis your body can convey)
Ti-i-ny bit in my uh-wear. (when you leak before going potty)
Daddy alway dwiving. (when we're waiting for Daddy to get home)
Tickle my back.
That's siwwy! (when I realize I am mistaken about something)

Words you can't say right yet...

Uhgether (together)
Gebb-e-o's (Spaghetti-o's)
Dom-e-o's (Dominoes)
Thowgurt (yogurt)
Chickaway (Chick-fil-A)
Buzzbob (Spongebob)
Santa-tizer (sanitizer)
Ativvy (nativity)
Denture (gentle)
Jujujujubed Man (gingerbread man)
Miss Kersey (Ms. Kristie)
Gwubs (gloves)
Puzzer (puzzle)
Tweat (treat)
Tuh Stowy (Toy Story)
Sither (sister)
Siwwy (silly)


Emily said...

cute list! Sweetie pie boy!

Unknown said...

Again, you are awesome at documenting such things. I need to do better.