Dec 15, 2009

You Know You're Southern...

You know you're Southern when you head straight to Bass Pro Shops to see Santa. I felt a little silly about it at first, but in truth, it was a fun and perfect setting complete with trains, snowmen, remote-control monster trucks and race cars. And, really, where else could you get real-live reindeer in the shot. Well, used to be alive, anyway. :)

This makes our season's quota of Santa visits complete - 3. Although for Anna it was her first (that she can remember anyway). We worried she might scream and freak out. Of course - she couldn't have cared any less when the big moment came. I guess the lack of a panic-riddern toddler scene makes it a success. :) Somehow, though, I was still a little disappointed. SOME sort of reaction from her would have been nice I guess. Noah, as ever, made an eager and trusting beeline for Santa and practically climbed up onto his lap all by himself. He was waving and calling to Santa before it was even our turn. It was too adorable to me. His innocent trust and familiar greeting to Santa who, in his mind, will of course remember him from last week at the Christmas Party. His innocence moves me to tears, it is so precious to me.

So anyway, no, Santa did not get a grin from Anna, but Monkey Joe's earlier in the day sure did. We were the only people there the entire time (which is what we hoped for by going on a Monday morning) and we had a blast. Jumps, games, pizza, toys, candy, and their daddy's undivided attention. What more could a couple kids ask for?


Elizabeth Bradley said...

So fun! My sister took her kiddos to see Santa at Bass Pro too! :) Anna's smile is adorable in that 2nd picture... and her hair is getting so long!

Emily said...

I think everyone in the US will have a bass pro shop santa picture for the 2009 year...haha...seriously...
But what a great picture of Noah and Anna with Josh....I'd totally be framing it!

Unknown said...

Oh we soooo hit up bass pro for Santa. It's perfect. I did feel a bit redneck about it last year though:-) Not this year...we're going again and I'm proud of it. LOL