Dec 1, 2009

Christmas Lights 2009

We had a bit of a rough weekend with Noah and Anna. I think it must have been all the excitement of company and Christmas coming and upset routines. Noah had a relapse in regards to using the bathroom. Over and over again, no matter what we said or how he was punished, he kept going in his underwear. There was much weeping and gnashing of teeth over that. Even now, it is quite perplexing to us. He seemed as surprised and befuddled as we were with the whole situation. Add to that, Anna suddenly decided to stop taking her afternoon nap. By now, we get that she is probably ready to skip that one. But the 3 to 4 days of figuring that out was painful.

As it turns out, Sunday night after Anna refused, refused, and even a third time, refused to take a nap, we decided to go for broke and load her up in the car with her brother (who had FINALLY used the potty like he knows how to do) to go see Christmas lights. This was a sort of reward for Noah and a desperate attempt to distract Anna from all her crying and grumpiness.

As luck would have it, we beat any crowds, the air was hardly cold, and Anna was quite content with her first-ever chicken nugget a-la-car seat.

Not surprisingly, Noah was ecstatic. Much too excited to eat.

Besides all the lights, displays, and music, there were sheep! How cute is that?

The sheep were a soon-to-be forgotten memory, though, once we came upon the drive-thru Santa station!

Since there was not much of a line going through when we were there, Santa came over to Noah's window with candy canes and jingles bells. Noah really enjoyed that one-on-one car side chat with Santa and Mrs. Claus. He was squealing, talking, and waving like a madman. He even forgot his wish-list script again this year and only asked for candy. With a reminder from daddy, he gathered his senses and asked for "wace cars" after all. I'm kicking myself now for not getting some actual pictures of Noah and Santa's little interlude. I was too busy videotaping the talk which, as it turns out, is too long to post. Noah thinks we should go back again to get it right.

Anna just stared at the big man in the red suit, unmoved, as usual. :) However, we'll take that over tears and a meltdown anytime. We still have it in mind to actually put her in Santa's lap by Christmas Day. Noah is prepping for it by reassuring us he will make her feel better and bring her toys, too.

A Christmas lights video that was NOT too long to post:

This lights display also has a live Frosty who waves and dances from his little covered stage. Unfortunately, he was nowhere to be seen when we drove by, though his lights were all on. Never fear, Noah thinks he knows where Frosty went. After the weekend he had, Noah is pretty sure - Frosty had to go potty.

How very appropriate.


Emily said...

haha! Classic. Frosty going potty that so funny! And that video was GREAT. Little Noah in shear calm amazement. Mommy. Look at that! What fun times...I'm goign to miss this age!

Unknown said...

Love the frosty comment!
You guys find the funnest things to do with the kids. We hope to do a tacky light tour soon.