Dec 18, 2009

Father-Son Bonding

Josh was just bragging on Noah as they played an Offroad ATV game on his old XBox. Noah hasn't played since last Christmas, so his skills have vastly improved since then. When Josh told Noah how impressed he was with his game, Noah was eager to hear more.

Noah: Daddy press (read - impressed with) me? Daddy happy?
- It's safe to say, Noah, that yes, Daddy is impressed with you. More than that, Daddy enjoys your company and is grateful to have a little gamer to play with. Daddy also has his eye on a Wii for himself, I mean, for you for your birthday in May. Lucky for him, I like the idea for you as well.

When Josh bought that XBox several years back it was against my wishes and without my knowledge at the time. I was pretty peeved about it and as a result swore I would never, never play it. And I never, never did ... except for a little Dance Dance Revolution phase I went through. Anyway, as Josh and Noah bonded over the video games this morning, Josh was grinning with pride in Noah's skills and with joy in Noah's company. He told me how great it was to know that he had someone to play video games with for the next 15 years. :)

Even if it does mean, for the time being, he has to play a hefty dose of Hide-and-Seek and Candyland every day, too.


Emily said...

Oh my word...That is adorable! Lee needs a boy for that very reason too...girls just don't play video games like that...they prefer dress up! haha

Elizabeth Bradley said...

This is such a fun post!!! My Shannon would love, love, love to have a boy to do "boy things" with like playing video games. :)

Heather said...

Funny enough, we don't have any video games like that. Kore isn't at all into playing videos. We have several friends who's husbands are total gamers. I think I grew up playing more nintendo than he ever did! I'd probably be the one playing the Wii with the kids! Cute father/son bonding for sure.

Alison said...

We got a Wii in September and Levi LOVES it. He plays MarioKart like no ones business! Noah will really enjoy it :) (and Josh will too).