Dec 27, 2009

Christmas Day Festivities

What a super family day we had on Christmas. We got an early start with just the four of us and the gifts under the tree, and then made the 2 hour trek to my parents' in Alabama for an overnight visit with them and Emily and her family. It was a nice time.

And man-alive, the gifts. Oh, the gifts. A lot of them. A somewhat discouraging part of it all was how Noah plowed through them and never once looked back and said Thanks for anything (without being told, that is) or took a moment in all the unwrapping to actually LOOK at and appreciate what he had just unwrapped. It was like a fever overcame him (both here at home and also at my parents'). On the way home last night I told Josh that I am adding "Teach Noah self-propelled and sincere gratitude" to my New Year's Resolutions.

Anna's fave gift from us: Playskool Busy Gears.

Noah got a doctor dress-up kit. He only looks evil here because he is grinning so hard about the little play shot he is holding. After this he came up to me to administer my shot and he warned me that I might cry.

This is really all Anna did (play with paper and plastic) while Tornado Noah ripped the wrapping off all the presents.

Shredder Noah...

Noah's fave gift from us: This fishing game and a set of walkie talkies (funny note about the walkies - we gave them to him last Christmas and they ended up being ignored so we put them away and regifted them to him this year which turned out to be a great idea)

Quick family shot once we got to Mimmie and Papa's house.

Anna hanging out with the girls.

Anna's fave gift from Mimmie and Papa: ride-on train toy. I don't have a picture of it, but Noah's fave gift from Mimmie and Papa was a Hot Wheels race car stunt track that has already replaced the trains on his train table...for the time being, that is.

Christmas dinner at the kiddie table. Shame on me for not taking a pic of the grown ups as well. My Aunt Gail and Uncle Mark joined us all for this part of the day, too.

I'm a little in love with this tu-tu Anna got with a pj set from my parents. It looks like she is showing it off here, but she is really trying to get it off.

More of Noah mastering the skill of unwrapping...

Brooklyn and Noah sharing what we all call "the red car" ... until we had to institute a 3-5 minute rotation for taking turns. I think our holiday soundtrack will most definitely include the sound of that buzzer that kept time for us.

They weren't even posing for a pic here. They were just being lovey dovey watching the gift giving and I seized the moment.

Holiday moments and memories to be continued over New Year's in FL with Josh's family. Looking forward to it!

1 comment:

Emily said...

I'm glad you guys stayed for practically 2 entire days. It was fun, and Noah and Brooklyn really got along well. She keeps telling me over nad over again that Anna and Noah are her COUSINS...
I'm always like, "uh...yes they are. ok?" haha. Did I tell her they weren't at some point? 3 yr olds are funny. all of 'em. We went to a friends house for New Years Eve, and there were three 3 yrs olds and they played well together all night long...we didn't think we'd all actually stay up till midnight, but somehow the 6 adults and 3 toddlers and one baby stayed up ... Natalie couldn't make it...she passed out at 8. Sharp. I miss you guys already. We have a fun new game we think you and Josh will like. ... Even though you're "over" the game phase. We just now getting into it.
I guess this should have been an email. haha Hope y'all had fun at Josh's parents!