Dec 4, 2009

Made my Day

I totally had to borrow and share this excerpt from a blog I love to follow - Baby Bangs. It was an encouragement to me today about the stay-at-home mom life I lead. And the blogging I have grown to love and appreciate along the way as well. It made me laugh and it made me cry a little, too. I short, it made my day, and I've only been awake for 1.5 hours. (yes, I got to sleep in today and it was heavenly).

Taken from the tail end of a post about her youngest turning 10 mos. old. ...

This is very long, but I know I've forgotten a bunch of things. I recently went back and read all my posts from when she was born and from the following months. It reminded me of so many things I'd already forgotten. I'm thankful that even though they were long, overly-detailed posts, I have all of it written down. So if you're about to have a baby, I'd encourage you to keep blogging throughout those crazy first weeks. That time will be precious in your memories one day. I don't long to have another baby, but I do long to go back and spend those first moments with each of my children again, armed with the knowledge of how much we would grow to love and know one another.

All I can think to end with is this - isn't it an honor to be a woman? As hard as it is and sometimes unfair, we get a front row seat to see the magic of a life growing from tiny cells into a baby, a toddler, a preschooler, and so on. And to feel it all so fully! To others and often to ourselves our lives can look utterly mundane and common. Every day I load my babies in and out of my Jeep with my oversized purse and huge diaper bag falling down my shoulder and smacking into the baby's face. Meanwhile, junk falls out of the floor boards and onto the driveway, and I know another Chickfila receipt is going to wander into our neighbor's yard and, help me Lord, she's going to know that I didn't recycle it! My son has lost his shoes inside the car and I'm thinking "Calgon, take me away!" Only that's what they said in our moms' day and I don't even know if they make that anymore. But maybe I can find some Thomas the Tank Engine bubble bath in the kids' bathroom!

The thing is, God is using us to grow lives. Physically. Emotionally. Mentally. Stop and marvel at whatever new thing your three-year-old said or did today. In all likelihood (as long as it was pure and lovely, of course), he learned it from you! In case no one else says this to you today, well done mama. You're doing an important job and you will be richly rewarded, even if for the time being it's a big hug around the knees every time you have to wipe your preschooler's rear.


Emily said...

Man I needed to hear that today. I came home from my runaway period of grocery shopping last night after dropping those little boogers off with Lee, and when I came home, Brooklyn ran out in her Pjs and yelled, "Mommy! I love you Mommy!" And this morning, she said it again. and again. As close as i was to a break down when i called you, and thank you for being there for me to cry to, the Lord is Lord of all, and he has really come through once again for me. I slept like a baby last night and didn't wake up till 10 am...Brooklyn was up since who knows when, and the house was still in one piece! And I was at last rested! prayer works. Lord knows we had lots of heart to hearts when I left the house to simply be alone.
Today, the fights are still happening, cheerios have been spilled twice on the carpet, and I'm not freaking out. Thanks for the talk!

Unknown said...

I follow Baby Bangs too and I loved that post as well. I especially loved the last sentence.

Kimberly said...

I thought of you when I posted this, Emily. Thought you would appreciate it after the day/week you have had. :)

Mary Ann said...

Love your family photo! Hope you all are doing well.