Oct 31, 2009

Tricky Treat

When Noah says "Trick or Treat" it comes out as "Tricky Treat" instead. And to me, the sound of his precious mispronunciation is sweeter than all the candy he scored tonight.

You may remember that last year our Halloween was riddled with tears. This year, however, was a huge success. Yes, Anna was a little emotional at first, but then again, when is she not?

Thankfully as soon as we got to walking she was all quiet and curious and raked in a lot of attention from every passerby. Turns out, 13 month old blue-eyed pumpkins are all the rage this year.

Josh carried Anna to every door alongside Noah until his arms just couldn't hold her any more. Noah squealed and skipped to every door he could. I grinned and grinned from the street. I l-uh-ove watching him grow up and take part in holiday traditions.

By dark (which came on quicker than we realized it would), Anna was more interested in all the loot she had collected.

My happy little alligator and his faithful door-to-door escort. I took this shot just before Josh bugged out from the cold and headed home with Anna.

From there, I took Noah to hit a few more houses but we didn't get far. He just couldn't stand to wait any longer to see (and sample) the goodies that were burnin' a hole in his bag. I humored him and we hurried home to take inventory of his stash (and screen all the candy for peanuts!).

The night sure seemed to go by in a rush. It was a fun rush, nonetheless. Besides the sweet memory of watching Noah understand and participate in the trick-or-treating routine this year, today marked another special moment. It was the first time Noah said "I love you." All on his own, he grabbed his daddy by the neck just before his nap and said "I wuv you." Out of nowhere. Melted my heart when Josh told me. When I asked Noah about it later today, he repeated the sentiment but modified it a little. This time is was a giggly, "I wuv you. Dude!" as Josh tried to wrangle him into his costume.

Peeing outside, giddy quotable dude moments, and a sweet "I wuv you." I checked. And just as I suspected, there WAS a full moon tonight.

Happy Halloween!


Laura Koslowsky said...

Oh how cute your two were tonight! Glad to hear trick or treating was a success this year...Hilarious that you caught Noah peeing in the backyard. It cracks me up how much little boys enjoy that freedom :)

Elizabeth Bradley said...

What a funny post! Your kiddos were adorable... I love their costumes! :)

Emily said...

What a great pumpkin costume! My pictures are coming soon.

Unknown said...

Amazing how a year can change kids. Glad he was up for this time around. That photo of Anna melting down is soooo funny and cute. Her costume is so sweet. The "i love you" moment is just toooo precious. It never gets old hearing that.