Oct 26, 2009

Ouch, Ugh, Oy

Yesterday Noah looked down at the exact moment I was snapping the chest buckle shut on his car seat. I still don't know how, but it caught his lip in the process. Bleeding and screaming immediately followed. Ouch!

Has anyone besides me taken note of the swarms of ladybugs out and about lately? They are everywhere, which wouldn't bother me so much if that didn't include the inside of my house. Ugh!

I got an electronic ticket in the mail today for a traffic violation I made two Thursdays ago. Evidently, I did not come to a complete stop at a red light before turning right. And they sent me the camera shots to prove it. Oy!


Emily said...

That's ridiculous...they can do that? Doesn't seem right or very accurate either. Running a red light, maybe so, but not coming to a complete stop...they're just looking for a way to suck money out of people. Dumb

Kate LaCasse said...

Poor Noah! WI has the ladybug problem pretty bad too... not looking forward to that part of moving. I got a similar ticket - it was over a year ago and I still want to give the officer a piece of my mind!

Heather said...

I had a friend who got one of those tickets in the mail. She and her husband got in this big argument about how much money it was going to be and how upset she was with him. Until she looked at the picture and saw that she was the one driving the car. She had assumed it was him since he was always driving downtown. But after seeing the picture, confirming the date and time, turns out...she was the speeder! Gotta love those pics!