Oct 23, 2009

Disney: Wrap up Stuff

This was the condo that we rented at a great discount thanks to my dad and my brother-in-law's access to a military vacation club. We only paid $435 for an entire week. This turned out to be an even bigger deal for my parents and my sister's family because they shared a condo right next door to us and therefore split the price. As good a deal as these condos were, we think from now on we will save up Josh's hotel points throughout the year so we can stay at a hotel on Disney property. They have constant free Disney transportation from those properties, not to mention travel time would be less after a long day at the park. Convenience is high on our priority scale.

This was the little car we rented to get around with for our 11 days in FL. It was nothing special - really the cheapest thing we could rent - but it was red, so that made my day, er, week.

This Disney Age Guide was very useful and quick and to the point. I got it from Beth Moore's daughter's blog, Baby Bangs. They went to Disney earlier this year as did a friend of mine, Heather. So I consulted their blogs again before we headed out of town. Heather also forwarded me a guide from a friend from high school that apparently goes to Disney all the time. If you are ever in the market for Disney tips just let me know and I would be happy to forward it to you as well. If you want my biggest Disney tip, I'll tell you right here - DON'T GO WHEN IT'S HOT. To this end, Josh is already planning a followup visit to Disney for a day not long after Christmas while we are visiting his family again in January just to make sure we get to do it in less than 90 degree, hopefully less than 80 degree, weather. My other Kimmie Disney tip is this - Pace yourself if you have little kiddos with you. You just can't do it all. Keeping this in mind the entire time was a real sanity saver for me and Josh.

We saved all our souvenir shopping for trips to Downtown Disney so as not to have to spend park time shopping and lugging around more stuff in the process. The only thing I didn't get ever get done during the trip was having a caricature of Noah made (which they offered at all the parks as well as Downtown Disney). Now that Josh is committed to another Magic Kingdom run, I think I may be able to take care of that business after all. Any maybe I'll ride a grown-up ride or two, too.

I just thought this shot was funny. Josh took it during our Kilimanjaro Safari.

I fancied myself a photographer and took a couple off-the-wall shots. I kinda like 'em.

My boys napping after our half day at Epcot.

Emily's family with mine.

The cousins all enjoyed the pool time of which we did not have enough. Memo to me - plan for more of that next time. And not that it was needed, but this pool was heated. Also, this was the first time Noah ever swam without wearing a swim diaper. For that matter, Noah finally met my potty training deadline just before this trip. We packed a couple pull-ups just in case (excusing overnight pull-ups, of course) but he never needed them - he had not one accident. Not one. To this day. It feels so good to say that boy is full-fledged potty trained!

Emily and Lee had to leave a day early for Lee's brother's wedding. That meant we had a free day after all our Disney time. We hit some souvenir shops (which proved to be less than satisfying in comparison with Downtown Disney) and had a movie day at the condo. Anna was in some teething pain anyway and we all just needed some down time after our busy week. The movies of the day were Jungle Book and Peter Pan...over and over and over.

Anna konked out on the plane on the way home.

Noah konked out once we got on the road headed home from Nashville airport. Notice Mr. Smee and the Crocodile from Peter Pan in his hands.

On another note, it was too funny how happy Josh and I were to be in our own car and on our own time again. And back in cool weather. In our enthusiasm we severely overtipped the porter that helped us to our car. :)

We loved you, Disney! See you soon!


Unknown said...

I just read all of your Disney posts and it's a wonder you all didn't pass out like Anna did on the plane! Phew! What a fun time and wonderful memories. I know Noah will remember it forever! I can't wait for us to go in a few years or so. I've never been so I'll be just as giddy as I know Jacob would be.

Heather said...

What a fun, fun trip!! What a great family you have!! Exciting you get to go back soon. You are a good salesman for Disney...that's for sure!