Oct 19, 2009

Day at the Park

We just had to get out in the sunny, yet cool and crisp weather yesterday. On the spur of the moment we headed out to try a new park and duck pond. It was such a nice time and brought back a couple memories.

1. This time last year Anna was a wee, tiny 3 week old thing that cried all the time. Oh, praise the Lord those days are over!

2. The last time we visited a duck pond is a vivid memory in my mind. It was a freezing cold day in January 2008 and we had just found out I was pregnant. And looking back at the videos of Noah with the ducks then, oh my word, he was still such a baby of a boy! Not so anymore.

Loving the days we are in now.


Emily said...

I took the girls out to the park today...just to give them a break from the house and a break from unpacking for me...and it was beautiful today too...but no duck pond. THAT would have been cool though. Cute pics!

Amy Faye Brown said...

Cherish every second! Your time with them is far more fleeting than you can ever imagine. I go through moments of weepiness thinking of our lost baby/toddler years. I've already informed my husband that he'll just need to go ahead and plan to take me to the winery first on the day the children graduate.

Kimberly said...

Amy: I hear that. We were just contemplating in the car today the life we'll have when these babies I love so much have babies of their own. What will that love feel like?