Mar 12, 2018

Southeast GHC Trip

I was so pumped to getaway and recharge at the Southeast Great Homeschool Convention this past weekend.  This was my 3rd GHC experience.  I left on Thursday with one of the sweetest people I know, my friend, Adrian, and we rocked that trip and all those sessions and that vendor hall.  It was all I was looking forward to and I am so glad I had company along for another year.  My biggest takeaways this year revolved around Anna's giftedness, Noah's language needs relating to his recent diagnosis, a renewed confidence and emphasis on read-alouds and audiobooks as well as poetry memorization, and some middle school direction and reminders.  My favorite speakers were from CenterforLit, IEW, and Read-Aloud Revival again.  I even went ahead and got us a pic with Sarah Mackenzie before we left that last day.  I didn't need to look much into math stuffs because we are on LOCKDOWN with our beloved RightStart Mathematics, but I enjoyed some updates they clued me in to at the booth when I went by to order for Noah.  Also, I did attend a session I didn't plan to attend - Why Black Families Should Homeschool and Its Challenges. Interesting talk! Already thinking ahead to if/why I would/would not homeschool Lasa.

Bright and early the first morning as I entered the Convention Center.  Just because. Blogger brain can't help but document.

Excellent session on Teaching with Grace by CenterforLit.   Second time I have attended a session by them and both times I have walked away with such respect for how on top of their game they are in terms of literature, interaction with lit via Socratic discussion with students, and presentation of it all. These guys know their stuff. They help ME know the stuff, too!

PUDEWA.  Already a fan of this guy's work, my kids use his IEW for writing this year, but was  surprised by how funny he was in these talks.   I went to two of his sessions and bought a third one I missed on CD.

Sarah Mackenzie -  adorable, so genuine, so funny, SUCH GOOD INPUT regarding read-alouds, literature, relationships, and conversations.  So rich!

My only impulse buy this weekend was her new book.  ;)  Proud of myself.  I was less over-stimulated in the vendor hall this year too.

Getting to catch up with Adrian and gab, and gab, and gab was the icing on the cake.  Travel time FLEW by and it was fun to attend so many sessions in common, too.  We didn't plan that.  Nor did we plan to match the same shade of green in the pic above.  Ha! Other fun perk, splitting gas and hotel cost. :)

Solid getaway, so glad I went, feel such weight lifted, feel so bolstered for tackling the new year with new focus and confidence.  Thankful!

1 comment:

Emily said...

What a fun recap! :) Enjoy your week!!