Mar 18, 2018

Browns + Bunnies = Love

We finally, finally made it to Bunny Go-Time yesterday when we picked up our three sweeties at last!  We love them and we think they just love their new home.  They are settling in so well.  The kids are out there just sitting with them, watching them, holding them, recording them every few hours.  Love!

The bunnies LOVE the little hidey hole.

They love their hutch and will climb right up in there all on their own.

They love the greens Josh grew for them.

This is Lasa's bunny that she named Baby Bunny Cookie Guacamole.  But Lasa won't hold them or barely touch them, she is so skittish.  Noah has unexpectedly really been drawn to Guacamole. Guac, who we sort of just call Molly, is the most curious, active, and brave.

The bunnies ADORE this tunnel that Papa John sent home with the kids from FL this weekend.

More greens.

This is Anna's bunny she named Jenny, after a Harry Potter character. She has the most beautiful creamy two-tone red coloring.  She is the most shy of the bunnies ... maybe because of some battle wounds she is still recovering from?  She was attacked and bitten up on her eye and her back by another full-grown bunny at the lady's house that raised them til now. You can see the big bump of scab and fur above her eye there.  So glad she will be just fine though.

And this pretty little thing with the red and white and touches of gray is Noah's Padme, named for a Star Wars character. ;) She seems to like having more space to herself and has gotten much braver exploring her bunny yard over the last 48 hours.  And she is really calm and still when you hold her, IF you can catch up to her.  Like I said, she likes to have room to move around on her own so far.  I can't help it - she is my fave. She is so pretty.

In the middle of one play session today, they all managed to end up in the same spot under some stairs and started to huddle up and doze off together.  It was precious.  So more pics were taken.  ;)

This here bunny leader of them all, Josh, is so glad to have his bunnies after 15 months of waiting for me to come around to the idea.  He has done such good work prepping their space, researching with the kids about their care, and planting the foods and greens they will enjoy.  Today he did the first toenail clippings on them, because their strong back feet have seriously scratched up our arms and hands, which we did not see coming. Ouch!

Josh also added a nice little walkway out to the greenhouse and bunny bin for us all, since more and more trips will be happening during the days now. This will help cut down on the mud tracks, which is my favorite part. ;) It extends from our patio to the playground area and then comes from the playground directly into the greenhouse.

Speaking of the greenhouse,  it is a PIG STY right now, but there is a ton happening in there and Josh has been spending a ton of time in there the past couple months.  I will post pics of all that action once it warms up for good and a bunch of those plants move out in the yard. Right now it is just too overrun with supplies and hot boxes and pots and plants everywhere!

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