Sep 30, 2015

Weekend Wins

We had a winning weekend.  Saturday's win was with another of Anna's tball games.  It was a nail-biter, but Preston (our awesome pitcher) saved the team there in the last inning.  Some shots of my girl and her teammates...

What a windup!


Sunday's win was a really encouraging visit with Lasa's mom.  Winning because a) she came! b) she was even early! c) she had baby's pharmacy card in hand for me! WOW! d) she loved her time with baby and baby was alert and happy and playful the whole 2+ hours. e) conversation flowed well and I feel like a trust from her is growing. f) people kept stopping by to rave about how gorgeous Lasa was - I loved that Angelique could soak in those kindnesses. g) Angelique is about to check in to a different rehab program which is so encouraging because it shows her effort and that she is not giving up. h) she spoke about missing baby which shows a growing bond and affection which is a good sign. i) we got to buy her some snacks and give her a ride to her Granny's in Gville afterwards and it was just a great visit from start to finish. j) Josh who has the lowest expectation for momma came away saying he has hope now. k) which we will temper with realistic expectations, but still.  Hope!

Hope Wins.  And a higher t-ball score than your opponents, too. 


Emily said...

Wellllll...did she also give you any WIC checks for formula? I'm so glad she came! And so glad that you were able to help her to her family's home. :)

Kimberly said...

Well, no, but that's because she gave us a ton of formula last week via her boyfriend. Enough to last a month at least. I will just give her a shout when that is running out again and see what we can get.