Sep 15, 2015

Kayak the Caney

Josh joined up with James, Craig, and Ryan to Kayak the Caney this weekend.  This was a quick trip the guys have literally been {talking} about doing for a couple years now that they finally got organized to do (thanks, James!) and we wives were right behind them pushing them out the doors to go.  Some shots of their daytrip down Caney Fork River (again, thanks, James!) ...

While the guys were paddling the day away, we wives and kiddos grabbed some pizza and gabbed the day away at the park.  We had to pullllll ourselves away from each other after four hours out.  Anna on the way home lamented the parting, "I am so thankful for our friends, I just wish we could play lonnnnnnger!"  It was a loverly day for all. ♥


Emily said...

I love those sweet sort of comments from kids. "I love our church. I love homeschooling. I love this beautiful day of God's Creation...." :) Big Grin.

Kimberly said...

YES! Put those comments in their prayers like mine do and you have my heart exploding. :}