Sep 20, 2015

A Smattering of Stuff on Sunday

Josh got a new (to him) iPhone 5c.  Thanks, Cindy!  SUCH a relief for him, his coworkers, me, and the kids.  The kids like it because they get his hand-me-down 4. :}

Look who is 8 weeks old today?  And finally out of newborn diapers.  And almost 10 lbs.  And not scaring the life out of Mrs. Kimmie anymore thanks to a steady dose of Zantac.  She grows more and more beautiful every day.  In related news, Lasa's momma cancelled our visitation today at the last minute, but sent "her man" who is apparently "the only man in Lasa's life" (nevermind he has never seen her, whoever he is) to drop off a bunch of baby supplies she picked up for us, which I appreciate SO MUCH.  Formula, nursery water, wipes, diapers.  Gonna call today a win of sorts!  Thankful.

I have NO time or energy to prepare a cake for Anna's birthday this week.  So I let her pick one out of the crappy options at Publix. She seemed quite happy to choose one of those, but my heart was mopey at how this had to be sluffed off on a grocery store, the options were not her at all, and she picked a cookie cake. A boring old cookie cake for lack of a better option.  She is still fine with it.  I am bummed about it and keep telling myself it is just NOT a big deal. But still.  Boo.

Our church turned 5 years old today!  We have only been there two years now, but we are so at home there and so much a part of that community now that we felt the celebration just as much as those who have been there since the plant.  We all celebrated with a church breakfast that was delish and giveaways galore.  I even won one!  It's been awhile since I won a drawing.  Fun! We gifted the church with our service in the toddler room during worship.  Ha! Happy Birthday, Redeemer Church!

Anna has surgery next week on that ridiculous stye that is apparently not a stye.  It is a chalazion.  It's gonna cost us $2000 after insurance's $8000.  I am beyond annoyed about it.  But the Lord has really, really, really been working on me about how I fret money stuff.  He really will take care of it.  He really, really has been.  I really, really need to let go and lighten up.  It's just stupid money. And I keep begging the Lord to come soon, so if I have my way we won't need our savings for retirement anyway.  HA!!  But seriously, come, Lord Jesus.  Come soon!

We have two camping trips planned in October.  One in a cabin.  One tent camping.  Both trips with friends.  Weekend warriors all!

Have I told you lately how entirely humbled we are by the world of dear friends the Lord has blessed us with?  Too much goodness.  So many loved faces everywhere I turn.

Noah and Josh are LOVING their Lego competition team.  Anna is loving tball.

Did you know you can drain your car's battery just by leaving the keys in the ignition when the car is off?  You can.  It does.  Lesson learned.

It's been over three years since we broke relationship with my parents.  Still no regrets.  Not even one.  Which should be sad, I know.  But still we only perceive the relief and the peace.

I think Josh and I are the only people I know who haven't seen The War Room yet.  It bothers our friends so much that we have had multiple people ask us when they can babysit so we can get out and catch a showing.  And if we weren't so dang tired, we would so go!  We'll see it eventually.  I ♥ Netflix.

I have often said to Josh that I wished I could go back and hold baby Noah and baby Anna one more time, just to remember what it was like to hold them at that age again.  Well, let the record show that fostering a newborn sort of fulfills that wish.  I can remember again.  And I can make it a little more real by watching baby videos whilst I hold the foster baby.  It counts!

Need some new tunes?  Two words for you.  LAUREN DAIGLE.  Oh my word, her music.  Like meaty prayers for preaching to yourself.  I can't get enough of the seven songs I downloaded last week. 


Elizabeth Bradley said...

There. Do you feel better now? Just reading this post was therapeutic for me so I'm sure you feel MUCH better after getting a heap of your thoughts out of your head and written down. :-)

Goodness that baby is a beauty. Am so happy that Josh's trip to collect supplies wasn't in vain. At least it shows something... though I am shaking my head at what on earth could keep mama away from that doll baby. Doesn't make any sense to me. None at all.

CrAzY that Anna's eye is going to cost you so much. Makes me curious what it would cost here where all things medical are ever-so-much-cheaper than in the States. But you're right. God WILL work out all the details and money is NOT all that big of a deal... though it can certainly feel like it is.

It makes perfect sense to me why your momma heart would be so bummed about Anna's cake. If it makes you feel any better, my mom tells the story of how I came home from a friend's party when I was about Anna's age and I raved and raved and raved over the cake. A yellow cake with chocolate icing (from a can) and "candies" on top. You know the ones... the grocery store, hard as rocks, crunchy "cake toppings". My mom worked so hard to make our cakes unique and "from scratch" every year and here I was pining away for a super easy, cheap version - which she made me for my 19th birthday (the first one away from home and in university). All that to say that Anna will look back on this with a smile... and hopefully you will too.

You can add the 2 of us to your list of people who have not seen The War Room. It's not showing here. ;-)

And please oh please send me the list of Lauren Daigle songs you've been enjoying. Would love some new music for myself and don't have the time / energy / free mental space to go and look her up and figure out what I'd want to listen to. I'm more than happy to enjoy your overflow of good music!

Maybe, just maybe, I'll win an award for longest comment ever with this one. ;-)

Kimberly said...

Ha! Yes, I did feel better after rattling all this stuff off. Too funny that you could perceive the relief that comes from unloading one's brain ...even if it's all just minutiae. :}

Grinning at your yellow cake story!

Lauren Daigle songs I downloaded that are gladly stuck in mine and Noah's heads all the live long day ... Come Alive, First, I am Yours, O'Lord, Once and for All, Salt and Light (this is the one I cannot stop singing most of all ... will probably show up on the blog soon - ha!), Trust in You.